How Much Will My California Probate Cost?

California probate is notoriously expensive. This is why estate planning is so important for California residence. Inevitably there is going to be someone in your life that did not take this advice and died without a plan. Unless this person held their assets jointly or in accounts that have beneficiary designations, the entirety of their estate will be subject to probate process. The following allows you to get a rough idea of the cost of probate in California. Please note that this calculator does not include things such as appraisal fees and probate referee fees.

Input the estimated value of the estate to determine the cost of probate in California.


The probate calculator above shows the high cost of failing to plan your estate. Please call or text me to talk about options that can substantially lower these costs. If your loved one has died without estate planning, please call me for a quick resolution to their probate administration.